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WRATH PUNISHMENT SUFFERED ON THE EARTH … We removed from them the penalty of ignominy in the life of the present. (10/98) Is then He who standeth over every soul (and knoweth) all that it doth, (like any others)? And yet they ascribe partners to Allah. Say: "But name them! is it that ye will inform Him of something he knoweth not on earth, or is it (just) a show of words?" Nay! to those who believe not, their pretence seems pleasing, but they are kept back (thereby) from the path. And those whom Allah leaves to stray, no one can guide. For them is a penalty in the life of this world, but harder, truly, is the penalty of the Hereafter: and defender have they none against Allah. (13/33-34) PUNISHMENT IN THE GRAVE Then Allah saved him from (every) ill that they plotted (against him), but the brunt of the Penalty encompassed on all sides the People of Pharaoh. In front of the Fire will they be brought, morning and evening: And (the sentence will be) on the Day that Judgment will be established: "Cast ye the People of Pharaoh into the severest Penalty!" (40/45-46) There is an affliction that the dead will suffer in the grave according to the Qur'an. PUNISHMENT IN HELL For those who reject their Lord (and Cherisher) is the Penalty of Hell: and evil is (such), Destination. (67/6) They ask thee to hasten on the Punishment: but, of a surety, Hell will encompass the Rejecters of Faith!- (29/54) The Qur'an explicitly declares that we shall be taken to account for the deeds we have done in our earthly life. We know that those who have sinned will go to hell and those who have been successful will go to the paradise. Although the exact account of the torture we will have to suffer has not been given in the Qur'an it is certain that the suffering will be a severe one. Those who have failed to cleanse their souls in this world and remained immature shall be subjected to a harsh treatment. In point of fact this is not to be an excruciating and sadistic act but one that will purify the individual. God's all-embracing mercy will be extended even to the inmates of hell. MERCY |