BENEFICENTS To do good deeds, to make donations, to think well of persons, to always feel the presence of God; to devote oneself to the beautiful, these are the indications in a man of the latent existence of divine attributes. … good; for Allah loveth those who do good… (2/195) … For verily Allah is with those who do right. (29/69) Whoever submits his whole self to Allah, and is a doer of good, has grasped indeed the most trustworthy hand-hold:… (31/22) And Allah gave them a reward in this world, and the excellent reward of the Hereafter. For Allah Loveth those who do good. (3/148) The doers of good are those who have gained favor in God's sight. They will have their rewards both here and hereafter. GOD THE SOURCE OF ALL BEAUTIES He Who has made everything which He has created most good: (32/7) We have indeed created man in the best of moulds (95/4) So blessed be Allah, the best to create! (23/14) But who, for a people whose faith is assured, can give better judgment than Allah. (5/50) Truly Allah is He Who bestows the best provision. (22/58) And who can baptize better than Allah…(2/138) No want of proportion wilt thou see in the Creation of ((Allah)) Most Gracious. So turn thy vision again: seest thou any flaw? (67/3) . Allah has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): (39/23) Those who listen to the Word, and follow the best (meaning) in it: those are the ones whom Allah has guided, and those are the ones endued with understanding. (39/18) The most beautiful names belong to Allah. so call on him by them; (7/180) The beautiful names of God are mentioned in the Qur'an. MAN THE SOURCE OF UGLINESS Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from Allah. but whatever evil happens to thee, is from thy (own) soul. (4/79) Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of (the meed) that the hands of men have earned, that ((Allah)) may give them a taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from Evil). (30/41) Whatever misfortune happens to you, is because on the things your hands have wrought, and for many (of them) He grants forgiveness. (42/30) If Allah were to punish men according to what they deserve. He would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, verily Allah has in His sight all His Servants. (35/45) All that God created has been beautifully created and a perfect balance has been established by Him among them. "He Who created the seven heavens one above another: No want of proportion wilt thou see in the Creation of ((Allah)) Most Gracious. So turn thy vision again: seest thou any flaw?" (67/3) What makes a creature unseemly is man's evil thoughts and actions. In other words, the source of ugliness and evil is man himself. Man it is that polluted the environment and the depletion of stratospheric ozone is due to man's doing. "All the cruelties, hideousness, ignominies result from man's evil disposition. O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper. Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?" (5/90-91) Man faced with collisions between beauty and ugliness is shaped; he matures and becomes perfect. This is the perpetually constant law of creation. The perfect man is he who has melted together the polar forces and surpassed them. The perfect man is he who has had an insight into the hidden meaning of the words: “Both the good and the evil originate from God”. DO GOOD … do thou good, as Allah has been good to thee … (28/77) … Allah commands justice, the doing of good,… (16/90) Is there any Reward for Good - other than Good? (55/60) For Allah is with those who restrain themselves, and those who do good. (16/128) To do good means, according to Islamic scholars, being always in the company of God. God desires that the man He has created thinks positively, behaves well and be ever ready to help his fellow men. BEHAVE WELL AND SPEAK WELL … do thou good, as Allah has been good to thee,… (28/77) … Allah commands justice, the doing of good… (16/90) … treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people… (2/183) Allah loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech … (4/148) God desires that we behave well toward each other as He does to us. The ugliness and the evil must yield their places to the beautiful and the good. One must be careful when picking up their words while talking. Swear words, language that condemns or vilifies usually unjustly, intemperately, and angrily must be avoided. If unintentionally such behavior is displayed one must ask for pardon and ask God forgiveness. BEAUTY SHOULD PREVAIL OVER UGLINESS Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity. (3/104) "O my son! establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong: and bear with patient constancy whatever betide thee; for this is firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) affairs. (31/17) To establish regular prayers, to share one's assets with people, to pay alms, to be tactful and forbearing, to be honest, etc. are not enough. We must learn well the divine law and teach it to our fellow men. We are in a position to edify those who are ignorant of it. For instance, the Qur'an must be re-interpreted by scholars in the light of contemporary developments; the basic principles must be made into books to be distributed to the farthest corners of the country. "O ye who believe! If ye will aid (the cause of) Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly." (47/7) To the rebel, the corrupt, the depressed, the terrorist, the drug dealer, the alcoholic and the licentious the Qur'an addresses in the following manner: "By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy." (103/1-3) REPEL EVIL WITH WHAT IS BETTER Nor can goodness and Evil be equal. Repel (Evil) with what is better: Then will he between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate! (41/34) For those things, that are good remove those that are evil…. (11/113) Twice will they be given their reward, for that they have persevered, that they avert Evil with Good, and that they spend (in charity) out of what We have given them. (28/54) Evil is repelled only by good as every now and then repeats the Qur'an. REWARD OF THOSE WHO DO GOOD But those who have earned evil will have a reward of like evil: ignominy will cover their (faces): No defender will they have from (the wrath of) Allah. Their faces will be covered, as it were, with pieces from the depth of the darkness of night: they are companions of the Fire: they will abide therein (for aye)! (10/26) He that doeth good shall have ten times as much to his credit: He that doeth evil shall only be recompensed according to his evil: no wrong shall be done unto (any of) them. (6/160) We suffer not, to be lost, the reward of those who do good. (12/56) God lays done a divine law. The reward of those who do good is not an equal amount of good but an amount multiplied. RIGHTEOUSNESS |