1) INFAQ AND LOVE Those who spend in prosperity and adversity... (Ali Imran 3/134). Indeed who has taqwa are in (the blissful) gardens of paradise, amid springs … And (they accepted the fact that) the deprived and the destitute had a rightful share in their wealth ...(Dhariyat 51/15, 19). Infaq is sharing one's assets with needy people. It is incumbent upon everyone without discriminating between the poor and the rich. It is considered one of the most worthy practices not only for the welfare of others but also for its positive impact over the all creation. It is the expression of one's love for God, of his reliance on and resignation to Him. Infaq is not limited to financial aid but extends to the generosity of saying a beautiful word or displaying a smiling face. To console an aggrieved person, to help an old strengthless one or to make a visit to a sick one are some examples of acts of helpfulness. While Zakat, alms and fitre are charitable deeds whose quantities are measurable, infaq has no limits because it is connected to the heart. Those who have taqwa always share their assets with others regardless of whether the times are prosperous or impoverished. This manner leads to increasing holy morality. The Quran states the principle of help like this: Baqarah 2/219: "They will ask you what they should give away. Say, ´ What is left over (after you have spent on your dependents' needs)... ". Who should be the receiver of charity? The Quran illuminates us with the verses of Baqarah 2/215 : "… The possessions you donate should be for parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, those who are left helpless, and the stranded traveller..." Therefore our priority must be poor people, the needy among our relatives and a helping circle that should be enlarged more and more. Infaq contains benevolence, working hard and loving all that has been created. Compete for the charity work. Benevolence as a type of infaq means disposition to do good things and encourage the welfare of others for the love of God. The Quran states: Ali Imran 3/114-115 : "… they compete with one another in good deeds. Whatever good they do, they will never be denied the reward of it; and God knows well those who have taqwa.." The Quran declares that we should compete with one another in charitable activities. What works should be considered charitable? To construct a mosque, hospital or school, to provide cloth to needy people, to feed hungry people, to marry off people, philanthropy, to extend capital, to donate to such associations as Red Crescent, Society for the Protection of Children, Education Foundation or to found a charitable foundation, to write edifying books, to conduct scientific research and so on. These are significant charitable deeds. Infaq includes also perform good deeds which are highly laudable in the sight of God and means all kinds of ideas and activities aimed at peace and serving the people. Bayyinah 98/7 : " Indeed, they who have believed and done righteous deeds. Those are the best of creatures." Those who work, thinking about contributing to humanity neither for money nor fame, demonstrate a good deed. If a health worker gives attention to poor people for free, he surely performs a good deed. If a teacher works with dedication and love without waiting for any material reward in return for teaching his students to become efficient and beneficial when they grow up, he has been contributing to the happiness of society. Another example is Hayrettin Karacan who serves society by raising questions about environmental issues. He warns related foundations and the people in order to find the solutions. Aren't all of his efforts for the happiness of the community? Almighty God gives the condition of eternal life indiscriminately to Muslims, Jews, and Christians who have the Holy Books. Maidah 5/69 : "… Indeed, the believers, Jews, Sabians and Christians-whoever ?truly? believes in God and the Last Day and does righteous deeds there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. " In these verses without any discrimination over factors such as Book, Prophet or specific religious rules, only three conditions are applied: 1)Believe in God 2)Believe in the Last Day 3)Perform good deeds. The good tidings of the salvation have been stated according to the verses to all man or woman if they fulfil these three conditions. Working hard. Infaq, charity and good deeds require systematic labour. Inshirah 94/7 : " So when you are done (with your duties), then work hard (for other duties). " Najm 53/39-41 : " that man will have nothing but what he strives for; and that ?the outcome of? their endeavours will be seen ?in their record. Then he will be rewarded with a reward complete " Naba 78/11: " and we made the day for earning a livelihood. " Tawbah 9/105: " And say: Work; so God will see your work and (so will) His Messenger and the believers; …" The Quran admonishes believers against laziness and strongly advocates the value of hard work. To love all created. One of the characteristics of those who have taqwa is to be soft-hearted and loving as they reflect their Almighty Creator. Ali Imran 3/119 : " O believers! You are the ones who love them, although the unbelievers don't love you.. " The Quran which is the symbol of love and compassion has made a description. According to the verses of the Quran, believers love all humanity regardless of whether they are faithful, unfaithful, friend or enemy. Although unbelievers don't love believers, the faithful ones have full of love for all humanity and all creatures due to the Creator. So all people, all animals, all plants and all creature even if their existence be known or unknown must be loved because of the Almighty Creator. Just Yunus Emre the great Sufism poet said: " We love the creatures, due to the Creator." 2) SALAT (THE RITUAL PRAYER) … Performs the prayer and pays the welfare tax... These are the ones who have taqwa (Baqarah 2/177) For all believers prayer is indeed a sacred duty linked to particular times of day. (Nisa 4/103) Salat (ritual prayer) is the fundamental act of adoration and is mandatory for all Muslims since God commanded it certainly and obviously. While praying, each Muslim praises his Almighty Creator who has granted him an infinite number of gifts. Salat helps us overcome stress and ambition and to resist evil, deviance and other such things which darken our lives. As well, it provides endless physical benefits as it is performed with bodily movements. Once salat has been performed over time due to the increasing strength of faith, evil inclinations are transformed into their contraries. Pride disappears while prostrating during salat. Remembering of God (dhikr o zikr). Salat is the most important duty performed for remembering God. Ta ha 20/14: "… maintain your prayer to remember Me." So the purpose of performing the prayer is remembering God. Ankebut 29/45: "… Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book, and pray regularly. Prayer restrains indecency and wrongdoing. And surely remembering of God is the greatest…". Araf 7/205 : " Remember your Lord within yourself, in all humility and awe, without raising your voice, morning and evening. Do not be one of the unaware …". The more one remembers Him the more he manifests his adoration for Him. Ali Imran 3/191: "Those who remember God standing and sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation and God…" Furthermore Quran states: Nur 24/37: " Those who are not distracted by trade or sale from remembering of God" . So, God accompanies the man who continuously remembers his Lord in all sincerity. This act by a person doesn't prevent him from carrying out his job. It provides the basis for gaining infinite happiness by the flame of the Divine's Love connecting to the flow of Almighty God. Ra'd 13/28: " … Truly, hearts find peace only remembering of God." 3) ZAKAT (WELFARE TAX) … Performs the prayer and pays the welfare tax... These are the ones who have taqwa (Baqarah 2/177) And from their properties was given the right of the petitioner and deprived. (Dhariyat 51/19) Zakat is a sort of plentifulness and purification. It is a mandatory tax for wealthy Muslims and one of the five Pillars of Islam. Zakat is a sum equal to one fortieth of the person's savings, after paying for essentials, to be given annually. God has stated in the Quran that the impoverished one has absolute right to the assets of the prosperous. Giving of Zakat does not cause a decrease in one's wealth; indeed the reverse is true as it increases one's income in a spiritual way. Performing Zakat helps the giver to discipline himself and distances him from evil wishes. The connection of love is established between the giver and the receiver instead of the contrast between the wealthy and the poor as giving Zakat. Rum 30/39 : "… Yet, the ´zakat´ you give seeking the pleasure of God increases manifold (in value)". 4) FORGIVENESS AND APPEAL FOR MERCY Those who have taqwa… who restrain their anger and pardon others... (Ali Imran 3/134) ...Truly God is Relenting, Most Merciful... (Taubah 9/118) Asking forgiveness means supplication to God in order that He forgives sins. Those who have taqwa with a magnanimous heart forgive the offenses committed against them just like God Almighty who is the most merciful and all forgiving. The Quran states this principle in the verses of Araf 7/199 : " Show forgiveness (on your part); Instruct what is right; turn away from those who are ignorant.." Generally the Quran recognizes the importance of tolerance but exerts believers to go farther by extending forgiveness. 5) PATIENCE ...those who are patient in adversity, illness and in battle...They are the people who have taqwa... (Baqarah 2/177) ...We shall certainly test you with fear and hunger, and loss of property, lives, and crops. But (Prophet), give good news to those who are patient. (Baqarah 2/155) Patience is the power of endurance to face adversity or to face pain with fortitude. Man is pre-destined to experience grief as a matter of creation. If one is resigned to endure his afflictions willingly and to accept that it is God's plan, he will have God's favour. This is the way of attaining maturity. Yunus 10/109 : "And follow what is revealed to you, and remain patient and steadfast in your way until God will judge. And He is the best in giving judgment." Performing the divine rules requires one to bear some inconvenience and suffering which is hard on the person. It requires one to make self-sacrifice in recognizing the obligation to overcome some habits and desires. Patience is the secret to overcoming all these difficulties . In the end the Almighty God is going to be the best judge. Ali Imran 3/146 : "…Surely God loves the patient." Tawakkul (Trust in God). Patience implies also the state of being resigned and of being submissive to God and reliant on Him. Ahzab 33/2-3 : "Follow which is revealed to you from your Lord… Rely upon God.. God is enough as a guardian" Make it a principle to live with the Divine Laws based on the Quran and rely on God to grant his favour. God is the real ally. 6) FASTING ...God commanded fasting for you just as he commanded it for those who came before you so that you might be mindful of God.. (Baqarah 2/183) Fasting, one of the five pillars of Islam, means to abstain completely from foods, drinks and intimate intercourse during an entire day from early dawn till sunset. This helps a man to be the master of himself and strengthens his will. It lasts for the entire holy month of Ramadan. It doesn't mean we torture our body yet we serve God in loving obedience to him. One who fasts suppresses his desires by the consciousness of duty, devoting oneself to God. Fasting has been shown to have many health benefits to such as to circulation and to the digestive and neural systems. 7) BENEFICENTS Surely those who have taqwa are in paradises and springs... Indeed they were good doers before this. ( Dhariyat 51/15-16) Paradise is prepared for those who have taqwa... And God loves the good-doers. (Ali Imran 3/133-134) The beneficent reflects divine attributes. Thinking beautiful thoughts, doing good deeds, having forgiveness, feeling the presence of God without expecting any reward from Him: these are the signs in a man who is beneficent. One of the beautiful names of God is also beneficent as a source of the all favours and kindness. The Lord has created man in the best form and man reflects God so the beneficent reflects divine attributes. God Almighty shows his grace to mankind through the angels and jinn, also shows through the beneficent. Qasas 28/77 : "Be charitable, as God has been charitable to you.!... " 8) KEEP ONE'S WORD, FULFIL COMMITMENT ...and those who keep their word whenever they promise anything. These are the ones who have taqwa.. (Baqarah 2/177) Believers! Fulfil your promises and pacts!... (Maidah 5/1) Keeping one's word means to keep a promise, fulfil a commitment or to be trustworthy. Agreement is the basis of all relationships. Words given, contracts or agreements must be kept. This is the only way to keep peace. Keeping ones word with God ensures eternal salvation. However if one goes back on his word he creates strife. Baqarah 2/124 : "…Those who don't fulfil their promise are unjust.." Saff 61/2-3 : "…Why do you say something which you don't do? It is a big sin in the sight of God that you say something which you don't do.." 9) JUSTICE VS HONESTY O believers! Be steadfast for the sake of God witnessing with justice; and let not the hatred of a certain people prevent you from acting justly. Be fair! It is nearer to taqwa. (Maidah 5/8) Justice is the maintaining of what is just and behaving in line with Divine Laws. Believers must pay attention to God's laws. To feel dislike toward someone or to feel anger toward him mustn't be the reason for withholding justice. Nations' sustainability and serenity depend on justice and honesty. No matter who the parties are, justice must be served without any discrimination. Nisa 4/135 states : "…Be maintainers of justice and witnesses for the sake of God, even though it is against yourselves or your parents and near relatives, and whether the person rich or poor...Do not pursue your desires to deviate from justice!.." 10) KNOWLEDGE (THE VERSES OF THE QURAN) In fact, only those among His servants who possess knowledge fear from God... (Fatýr 35/28) ...And fear God, and know that God is with the pious. (Baqarah 2/194) In the verses above there is a description about those who have taqwa. Taqwa implies fear and dread of God however the believers heart nests both fear and immense love for their Creator. Possessors of taqwa are the most loved by God as they know the divine laws best. One performs with pleasure what his beloved one requests. In fact he has fear of committing an offense. He holds himself back from the things that the beloved one doesn't want. If the beloved one is God then the precision is greater. Islamic savants think that a child's love, trust and fear for his parents are similar to the feelings of taqwa possessors to God. Children don't have only love for their parents but also fear. God Almighty says that the verses of the Quran are knowledge. Rad 13/37 : "…We have sent down this (Qur'an) as a code of clear judgement after the knowledge that has come to you (Muhammad)…" The source of knowledge is the Sacred Books. In Islam knowledge is the verses of the Quran. There are two kinds of knowledge: Theological knowledge and Practical knowledge. Theological knowledge is God's word that governs the universe and human beings. It gives the answers to such questions as: where have we come from to earth? what are our duties and where are we heading after death? He is the one will resurrect us on Judgment Day and we will see the truth. Believers who have theological knowledge may come to know God by following His path. The Quran's very first verse reveals the commandment " Read! ". Alak 96/1-5 :" Recite (Read)! in the name of your Lord created man from a clinging substance. Recite! Your Lord is the most generous who taught by the pen. " God wants us to read the Quran and apply His rules however merely reading is not enough to edify ourselves. We must mediate and ponder on it. The original Quran is in Arabic making it difficult for us to understand the meaning of the content properly. Fortunately there are a lot of recognised translations that have cleared up this issue. This is the knowledge that enables us to attain the heights of civilization. Rahman 55/1-2 states: " The most merciful taught the Quran " As I did it at very young age with the grace of God, I recommend the system I used for the readers. Just taking a little bit of time daily is enough for learning the divine knowledge by reading the Quran. Indeed God is the direct teacher. To love God Almighty requires that we love our fellow beings since they have been created by Him. To love one's fellow being means to serve him through the practical knowledge such as medicine, engineering, physics, mathematics, law, environmental science, astronomy so on. People who are from these disciplines must be revered and supported. The prophet emphasized the giving of importance to knowledge with this hadith: " Seek knowledge even as far as China.." THE REWARD OF TAQWA: GARDENS OF EDEN Those who have taqwa will enter the Gardens of Eden, along with all who are righteous of their parents, spouses and children. From every gate the angels will come to them, saying,"Peace to you, because you persevered in patience. Now how excellent is the Final Home." (Rad 13/23-24) Almighty Creator warns his servants with this verse: "So be pious to God as best as you can.."(Taghabun 16). And, if they perform it as well as they can God, promises them the Gardens of Eden where they will enter with their righteous parents, spouses and children. MAINTAIN UNITY IN ISLAM |