Certain verses of the Qur'an under the influence of Christian interpreters were shown signs predicting the return of Christ and traditions were concocted to this end. Actually there is no such hint in the Qur'an. GOD'S LAST BOOK AND LAST PROPHET « Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things. »(Surah 33/40) « We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption) »(Surah 15/9) God's last prophet is Muhammad and the last book ever to be revealed is the Qur'an. All the fundamental laws required for man are in it. There is no longer any need for further revelation. The Qur'an confirms the books revealed before it. To thee We sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety: (Surah 5/48) As we see above, the prophethood has come to an end with Muhammad. The advent of a new prophet is rejected. O JESUS I WİLL CAUSE YOU TO DIE « Behold! Allah said: "O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.» (Surah 3/55) « Christ: "Never said I to them aught except what Thou didst command me to say, to wit, 'worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord'; and I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt amongst them; when Thou didst take me up Thou wast the Watcher over them, and Thou art a witness to all things» (5/117) Two verses stress the fact that God caused Christ to die. There is no question as to his survival. There is no hint regarding the resurrection of Christ or to his Second Coming. Once God has caused his servant to die, he will not cause him to come to life again…. « (This was Our) way with the apostles We sent before thee: thou wilt find no change in Our way »(Surah 17/77) « The ghost of Jesus has been raised to heaven. In the Qur'an all the spirits of the prophets are raised to the realm of angels.» (Surah 19/56,57) VERSES INDICATED AS EVIDENCE TO SECOND COMING « And he (Jesus, the Qur'an?) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way.» (Surah 43/61) Those who side with those who believe in the Second Coming claim that 'he' in the above verse refers to Christ misinterpret the line. According to them Jesus will come back and announce the Day of Judgment. The right path shall, therefore, be to follow his steps. Nevertheless, the true meaning of the verse is as follows: The Qur'an is a source of knowledge that heralds the coming of the Day of Judgment. Let none doubt this! To be among those favored the path shown by Muhammad must needs be trodden. « And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them;» (Surah 4/159) Those who claim that Jesus Christ will come back to the world is convinced that: “Belief in Jesus Christ implies his coming back.” The Qur'an explicitly states that Christ is not the Son of God; he is his prophet and servant. On the Day of Judgment Jesus Christ will bear testimony against Christians and reprove them. SUMMARY |