At the beginning, Muhammad kept repeating aloud what he had received in order not to forget them. However, he gave up this habit before leaving Mecca and preferred to remain in a passive, receptive state till the end of the afflatus. Whereafter, he dictated what he had receicved to his scribes. The Qur'an had enjoined him to do the following: « Move not thy tongue concerning the (Qur'an) to make haste therewith. (Surah 75/16) . High above all is Allah, the King, the Truth! Be not in haste with the Qur'an before its revelation to thee is completed, but say, "O my Lord! advance me in knowledge."» (Surah 20/114) As soon as the revelation came to an end, he called one of his scribes and dictated him, indicating its place in the Book. Once recorded, he wanted it to be read out to check if there is any error. The verses were memorized by the companions and recited during the performance of prayer in congregation. As there was no paper at the time, the verses were transcribed on skin, white slabs, scapulas and palm branches. « By a Decree inscribed, In a Scroll unfolded; »(Surah 52/1, 3) Every Ramadan, Gabriel, along with Muhammad, checked the verses and arranged their order. (Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah, Islam Peygamberi, p. 78). COMPILATION OF THE QUR'AN |